The Rainbow Bridge Beautiful Cats that I have loved and lost
Over the many years that I have been breeding and exhibiting my beloved Birman Cats I have inevitably lost many wonderful friends. Each one was a special character and I have very fond memories of them. This page is dedicated to the memory of a few of them.
Merlin was a Seal Point 13c1 (Carrying Blue) from pure Seal and Blue lines. He was Sired by Uk. Gr. Ch. Sylfox Robernt ( 13c2 ) out of Catendresse Marietta Miola ( 13c1 ). Merlin was born on 19th April 2000 Dennis was a Seal Point 13c1 (Carrying Blue). He was sired by Gr.Ch. Shandatal Hillbilly Blue (13c12) out of Arcady Cressida (13c1) Dennis was born on the 9th November 1995 Riadh was a Blue Point (13c2). He was Sired by Atakad Ablaze (13c5) out of Gr. Ch. Atakad Aim Forfame (13c2). Ruby was a Red Point 13c5. She was Sired by Uk. GR. Ch. Esaya Mars (Red Point 13c5) out of Ch. Silloc Tamarisk (Red Point 13c5). Ruby was born on 1st April 2004 Willow was a Seal Tabby Point 13c11. She was Sired by Gr.Pr. Adhirlo Rumbaba (Seal Tabby Point 13c11) out of Zaparta Adaline (Blue Tabby Point 13c12). Willow was born on 16th April 1996 Fancy was a Seal Tabby 13c11. She was Sired by Atakad Mister Softee (Seal Tabby Point 13c11) out of Gayemaudi Diamond Dazzle (Blue Point 13c2) Fancy was born on 8th October 2007 Custard was a Cream Point 13c7. She was Sired by Ch Panzalia Dandelyon (Cream point 13c7) out of Panjandrum Tosca (Blue Tortie point 13c8). Custard was born on 28th December 2004 Khayam was a Blue Tabby Point (13c12). He was Sired by Ch. Adsetlo Jacarando Andretti (13c2) out of Ladypaws Violetta (13c14). Khayam was born on 17th April 2008
Ch. & TICA Ch. Atakad Aimin High ~ Riadh
Scarlett was a Red Point 13c5. She was Sired by Gr.Ch. Rhunacraig Chilli Pepper (Red Point 13c5) out of Ch. Mlyward Titian Princess (Red Point 13c5). Scarlett was born on 24th May 1999 Cracker was a Red Point (13c5) He was Sired by Gr Ch, Int Ch & Tica QGC Panjandrum Fuego (13c5) out of Ch Atakad Custard Cream (13c7). Cracker was born on 27th July 2009 Tosca was a Blue Tortie Point 13c8. She was Sired by Aberogwr Delph (Blue Point 13c2) out of Panjandrum Sweetpea (Seal Tortie Tabby Point 13c16). Krystal was a Blue Tabby Point 13c12. She was Sired by Gr.Ch. Atakad Sealof Approval (Seal Point 13c1) out of Atakad Keepinup Apearances (Blue Tabby Point 13c12).
Fenwind Willowisper ~ Willow
Ch. Gayemaudi Tickleme Fancy ~ Fancy
Ch. Atakad Custard Cream ~ Custard
Ladypaws Outof Theblue ~ Khayam
Gr.Ch. Mlywood Evening Glow ~ Scarlett
Atakad All Fired Up ~ Cracker
Triple Gr. Ch. Panjandrum Tosca ~ Tosca
Bass was a Seal Tabby Point (13c11) He was sired by Uk. & Imperial Gr.Ch. & Pr.Shwechinthe Shwenat (13c3) out of Narakkha Blues Bella Babe (13c12) "Bass" was also TICA 2011 / 12 second best Seal Lynx (tabby) Point / Gloved Birman of the year
Ch. & TICA Ch. Musrafy Atakad Ambassadow ~ Bass
Click picture to enlarge or click name for full pedigree
Imp Gr Ch, TICA Supreme Gr Ch. & Int. Ch. Panjandrum Fuego ~ Fuego. Fuego was a Red Point 13c5 ~ SBId. He was Sired by Ch. Panjandrum Sgt Pepper ( 13c5 ~ SBId ) out of Panjandrum Carmen (13c5 ~ SBI) Atakad Appreciation ~ Charlotte Atakad Against Allodds ~ Chelsea. Chelsea was a Blue point 13c2 - SBIa. She was sired by Aberogwr Delph a Blue point 13c2 ~ SBIa out of TICA Quad GCA Ch. Atakad Star Appliedfor who was a Blue tabby point 13c12 - SBIa21
Atakad Appreciation  ~ Charlottte
Imp. Gr. Ch. & Prem. Atakad Akind Ofmagic Imp. Gr. Ch. & TICA Gr. Ch. Snowwitch Atakad Ashadow Ch. Atakad Justa Rumour ~ Rumour Imp. Gr. Ch. & TICA Ch. Snowwitch Odin ~ Odin Atakad After Afashion ~ Fashion Ch. Sucette Agent Instripes ~ Agent Elmore Atakad Whatastar ~ Star Atakad Redall Aboutit ~ Kamala Atakad Justa Rumour ~ Rumour Atakad Spin A Yarn Gr.Ch. Pendlestar Atakad Palido Gr. Ch. Pendlestar Atakad Palido  ~ Palido Kamyab Atakad Layla ~ Layla
© Copyright Atakad Birmans 2015

Home to my beautiful Birman Cats & Kittens

The Rainbow Bridge Beautiful Cats that I have loved and lost
Over the many years that I have been breeding and exhibiting my beloved Birman Cats I have inevitably lost many wonderful friends. Each one was a special character and I have very fond memories of them. This page isdedicated to the memory of a few of them.
Ruby was a Red Point 13c5. She was Sired by Uk. GR. Ch. Esaya Mars (Red Point 13c5) out of Ch. Silloc Tamarisk (Red Point 13c5). Ruby was born on 1st April 2004 Khayam was a Blue Tabby Point (13c12). He was Sired by Ch. Adsetlo Jacarando Andretti (13c2) out of Ladypaws Violetta (13c14). Khayam was born on 17th April 2008 Merlin was a Seal Point 13c1 (Carrying Blue) from pure Seal and Blue lines. He was Sired by Uk. Gr. Ch. Sylfox Robernt ( 13c2 ) out of Catendresse Marietta Miola ( 13c1 ). Merlin was born on 19th April 2000 Dennis was a Seal Point 13c1 (Carrying Blue). He was sired by Gr.Ch. Shandatal Hillbilly Blue (13c12) out of Arcady Cressida (13c1) Dennis was born on the 9th November 1995 Gr. Ch. Atakad Sealof Approval  ~ Dennis Riadh was a Blue Point (13c2). He was Sired by Atakad Ablaze (13c5) out of Gr. Ch. Atakad Aim Forfame (13c2).
Ch. & TICA Ch. Atakad Aimin High ~ Riadh
Willow was a Seal Tabby Point 13c11. She was Sired by Gr.Pr. Adhirlo Rumbaba (Seal Tabby Point 13c11) out of Zaparta Adaline (Blue Tabby Point 13c12). Willow was born on 16th April 1996
Fenwind Willowisper ~ Willow
Fancy was a Seal Tabby 13c11. She was Sired by Atakad Mister Softee (Seal Tabby Point 13c11) out of Gayemaudi Diamond Dazzle (Blue Point 13c2) Fancy was born on 8th October 2007
Ch. Gayemaudi Tickleme Fancy ~ Fancy
Custard was a Cream Point 13c7. She was Sired by Ch Panzalia Dandelyon (Cream point 13c7) out of Panjandrum Tosca (Blue Tortie point 13c8). Custard was born on 28th December 2004
Ch. Atakad Custard Cream ~ Custard
Scarlett was a Red Point 13c5. She was Sired by Gr.Ch. Rhunacraig Chilli Pepper (Red Point 13c5) out of Ch. Mlyward Titian Princess (Red Point 13c5). Scarlett was born on 24th May 1999
Gr.Ch. Mlywood Evening Glow ~ Scarlett
Cracker was a Red Point (13c5) He was Sired by Gr Ch, Int Ch & Tica QGC Panjandrum Fuego (13c5) out of Ch Atakad Custard Cream (13c7). Cracker was born on 27th July 2009
Atakad All Fired Up ~ Cracker
Tosca was a Blue Tortie Point 13c8. She was Sired by Aberogwr Delph (Blue Point 13c2) out of Panjandrum Sweetpea (Seal Tortie Tabby Point 13c16).
Triple Gr. Ch. Panjandrum Tosca ~ Tosca
Krystal was a Blue Tabby Point 13c12. She was Sired by Gr.Ch. Atakad Sealof Approval (Seal Point 13c1) out of Atakad Keepinup Apearances (Blue Tabby Point 13c12).
TICA Quad Gr.Ch. Alter Atakad Star Applied For ~ Krystal
Bass was a Seal Tabby Point (13c11) He was sired by Uk. & Imperial Gr.Ch. & Pr.Shwechinthe Shwenat (13c3) out of Narakkha Blues Bella Babe (13c12) "Bass" was also TICA 2011 / 12 second best Seal Lynx (tabby) Point / Gloved Birman of the year
Ch. & TICA Ch. Musrafy Atakad Ambassadow ~ Bass
Click picture to enlarge or click name for full pedigree
Ladypaws Outof Theblue  ~ Khayam
Imp Gr Ch, TICA Supreme Gr Ch. & Int. Ch. Panjandrum Fuego ~ Fuego. Fuego was a Red Point 13c5 ~ SBId. He was Sired by Ch. Panjandrum Sgt Pepper ( 13c5 ~ SBId ) out of Panjandrum Carmen (13c5 ~ SBI)
Imp Gr Ch, TICA Supreme Gr Ch. & Int. Ch. Panjandrum Fuego  ~ Fuego
Atakad Appreciation ~ Charlotte
Atakad Appreciation  ~ Charlottte
Atakad Against Allodds ~ Chelsea. Chelsea was a Blue point 13c2 - SBIa. She was sired by Aberogwr Delph a Blue point 13c2 ~ SBIa out of TICA Quad GCA Ch. Atakad Star Appliedfor who was a Blue tabby point 13c12 - SBIa21
Atakad Against Allodds ~ Chelsea
Imp. Gr. Ch. & TICA Gr. Ch. Snowwitch Atakad Ashadow Ch. Atakad Justa Rumour ~ Rumour Imp. Gr. Ch. & TICA Ch. Snowwitch Odin ~ Odin

Imperial Gr. Ch. & TICA Ch. 

Snowwitch Odin ~ Odin

Atakad After Afashion ~ Fashion

Atakad After Afashion ~ Fashion

Ch. Sucette Agent Instripes ~ Agent

Ch. Sucette Agent Instripes ~

Elmore Atakad Whatastar ~ Star Atakad Redall Aboutit ~ Kamala Atakad Justa Rumour ~ Rumour Atakad Spin A Yarn Gr.Ch. Pendlestar Atakad Palido ~ Palido Kamyab Atakad Layla ~ Layla
© Copyright Atakad Birmans 2015

Home to my beautiful Birman Cats & Kittens